Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spring brings Social Revolution

(Before the reading of this becomes confusing, this is something I wrote from the end of winter beginning of spring so it references the cold. Odd I know, but I had no place to put this before now so this is the article for today.)

I am all for people showing their beliefs (I mean I probably won't listen to you but go ahead and keep talking). Spew your ideals all you want get yourself out in the open try and get all the time you can for 15 minutes. The thing that bothers me is the part timers, the people that only half ass it.

I'm going to lunch in my little dorm cafeteria (enjoying my food while I incur HUGE debt) I go and sit down and what do i see out the window today (just outside an army recruitment office) but a bunch of kids standing around waving signs impeach Bush/Cheney, get out of Iraq, No blood for Oil (more on this later), you know so on and so forth all that garbage that has been bantered in all the wrong situations so many times that it has completely and totally lost meaning(seems everyone at Columbia College thinks alike, so much for individuality, but that’s for a different article). What makes this one worthless in my eyes is the weather today(yes the weather), its damn nice day out out and everyone is in light jackets and/or windbreakers (is there anyone who still owns a windbreaker).

Onto the end to this seemingly non-sequitur. I did not see any one of those assholes standing outside when the temperature dropped below freezing. Not a single one of them thought that "social revolution" was important when the temperature was below about 35 degrees. Again, I want to point out I am all for people spewing their ideals out on the street. So I guess this could be seen as a public message to any who stands outside holding signs, chanting impeach Bush(or anything for that matter), and wearing funny costumes (you can have revolution without a few wardrobe changes, right?). To the people protesting (if you want to call it that): Ya know what? Grow some balls, because your caring about the world should have nothing to do with the the weather. IF you really cared you would have been standing there day in and day out holding those same signs, chanting the same gibberish no matter if it was -40 or 140 degrees out. So if you "protesters" are not brave enough to weather the elements why should you expect anyone to care what you have to say.

On to point number two. You just happen to be wrong and stupid. Yeah we were at war(apparently we are back down to a conflict or something) and as heartless as it seems there are casualties as a result of war. So we have one half of your equation not lets look at the other half...Oil.

Take a gander at this Handy Dandy Chart

HEY! Look at that there is no Blood for Oil there we are spending nearly 4 times what we spent 8 years ago after a relative long period of time with no large gas price increase. So where is my oil for all this bloodshed(and don't think the relative low price in the US makes me think this is alright, the US worked really hard for those business relationships back in the day and now they are biting us in our collective asses). As it turns out you can't just imprison and kill a genocidal nation leader and have gas prices go down (which no one mentions the whole genocidal thing). Who'da thunk it. Now don't get me wrong I am not a Republican but at the same time I am no more Democrat either. I'm just a guy with a soap box who hates out and out Lemmingism (my first made up word here!) and people who think all the worlds problems could be solved by getting one man out of the White House. The solution is never simple and the effect is never quick, so just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Oh yeah! And give up on protesting (no one cares anyways) so write a letter to your Senator instead.

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