Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little introduction.

So I was in New York City when Matt proposed to me that he and I should write a blog (note: I will never refer to this as a blog ever again as I am not going to be writing about how much the boys at school are mean to me or how my hair never turns out as hot as I want it to). Point is I was out of town and did not bring a computer so that I could sit down for a set amount of time to write an article about nothing. So Matt has already said that he is going to probably end up mostly covering video games, and I'll probably hit on the random video game story from time to time as well but I want to cover a wider topic range (as will he I'm guessing). Things to look forward to are: cars, electronics, why what you support is a huge waste of time, gaming, building things for no real reason, incredible time wasters (online and off), general ranting about something or another, and the radio industry.

I have been wanting to do this for a long time now and when Matt did all the leg work for me of setting up the blAg and all I had to do was post to it I couldn't really pass up not doing work...

note: I am just going to refer to Matt as Matt. If it is confusing to you the fact that my name is Matt, and his name is Matt just remember that I will not be referring to myself in the third person.

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