Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Smile...You're Under Arrest

I don't know how wide spread the "Fox Reality Channel" is but the geniuses over there have created a great goose of gigantic gold egg laying prowess. The show is called Smile...You're Under Arrest, and it stars the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office more specifically Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The premise of the show is that they take people who have failed to show up for court on the charges brought up against them and have warrants out for their arrest get called in for different bit parts for either a movie, a costume clothing store, and a holistic wellness place just to name a few. So the people with warrants out for their arrest respond to a mailer and get picked up and go to these random locations to take part in what they believe would be a odd day out, and the fake company they have chosen to pick these outlaws up with is called J.L. Thyme...yes.

I don't have anything clever to say here, this is one of those few and brilliant situations where the set up will be better then the punchline ever could hope to be.

If you want to check it out they still have them on
just search smile and you should get them as the first three results.

Here's the first episode for shits and grins.

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