Sunday, January 4, 2009

On Scales in reviews.

Hence forth I am hitherto going to add more numerics to my reviews of this that and the other. Not because it adds value or purpose, or to make a stand or a point or a preposition, but because it is confusing and some might say humorous. This here placard of numerals shall stand for all time as something scribed whilst I was deliriously ill and had nothing good to scribble on about! ALSO! Through the rest of this writing everything should be read as if it were being yelled at you!! With the more exclamation points conjuring up more yelling within your head. Harken! Let it be known! NOW! That all numeral values placed within a review shall be taken with the largest and bitterest grains of salt, AND! That I have mostly gone through with this much effort in typographilizing nothing because Matt made it so clear that he would not be numerating his reviews, and to make up for this short fall in integers I have decided to take up the slack.


Hear Ye Hear Ye! 9/10-( "Hear Ye" lost points for lack of creativity.)

I will place nonsensical numerical values in reviews that make no difference and have no pertinence to said review.

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