Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Third Parties learning to kick ass on the Wii.

Big deal you say right? Well the big deal is 1. Its Nintendo and all you hear from PS3/360 fanboys is the lack of 3rd party games. 2. These are some of the bloodiest games to come out on any console, not just for the Wii.(please show me bloodier I am interested) 3. One of those Third parties happens to be an old friend trying to dig out from a world of awful arcade style games that never happened to live up to expectations.


I lead off with the video from the upcoming title MadWorld from SEGA (you read that right SEGA). The biggest surprise here is that not only is SEGA starting to put out awesome games, but the fact that they are downright standing behind them with some of the best video game advertisements possible.

House of the Dead: Overkill

The only thing that could bring this all home for me is more zombie killing.
Goodmorning Capcom.

Dead Rising Chop Till you Drop

I am going to have absolutely no money this year.

Oh yeah! I said i wasn't going to focus on video games didn't I.

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