Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Retroactive Review: The Dark Knight

I'm going to try and make this a regular segment and I want to say at the outset of this little endeavor that I do plan to review current things too, but the general idea of this will be that I will be reviewing something anything as some would say a day late and a dollar short. Short list of things to review: movies just out of the box office, old video games, newer video games once I can afford them, old pieces of technology, really this could devolve into me picking up some random piece of crap off the street and giving it a full rundown. Why the hell not?

Dark Knight: Alright now to get into the meat of the pudding. The Dark Knight was the "Blockbuster" hit of the summer that everyone and their mother went to go see(except my mother). Staring Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, Heath Ledger as The Joker, and Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes.

I will come out and say that I really enjoyed the Dark Knight, and I don't think it is too far of a stretch to say that it was all the movie that Batman Begins wanted to be. The action was better, there was no "shaky cam" effect to make everyone want to vomit, there was actual on screen chemistry between Bruce and Rachel (bye bye Katie Holmes), and lets face it if you were not weirded out Heath Ledger's Joker well then I don't think he should have been the only one popping sleeping pills.

I want to make a point of this because I am kind of a gore make-up fan for lack of any better words. The Joker make-up was so fantastically stupendous made and I can give you at least 3 good reasons why: 1. If you had not been told you would have had no idea that was Heath Ledger under there 2. While looking completely different he didn't look "covered" and I mean it did not look like a mound of latex on his face it looked like a face that was disfigured. 3. And Even with out the "You wanna know how I got these scar's monologue his face was still creepy as can be.

The problems I had with The Dark Knight are still few and far between. Biggest issue for me was that Christian Bale continues to do his "Batman voice" like he is whispering sweet nothings in my ear in the most angry way possible. If a masked crusader were wandering the streets and came up to me talking like that I would probably laugh in his face and then he would beat me up. The second and much smaller issue is that I feel the character of Harvey Dent was rushed I don't mean rushed in an underdeveloped kind of way, but more in he went from charismatic prosecutor to gun slinging maniac in one day. :::SPOILER ALERT::: Now I have never had half my face burnt off or had my girlfriend explode in a building, but if those two things happened one day something tells me that the last thing on my mind would be to go out and flip a coin and decide who lives and who dies.:::END SPOILER ALERT:::

And the wrap-up part. THE GOOD! The Dark Knight was great they made a mess then cleaned it up, this movie looked a whole lot more like Chicago than Batman Begins did and The Joker made me nearly crap my pants. THE BAD! Christan Bale whispering angry sweet nothings in my ear.

THE SCORE::::: 4/5
Not bad at all. Wall-e was better but that's because Wall-e is the greatest movie of all time.

Interesting afterthought: They should continue with the Christian Bale Batman movies and at the same time continue to release garbage ones from someone like Uwe Boll. First it would make us enjoy the Christian Bale movies more and second well...It cant really be nearly as bad as Batman and Robin was...seriously

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