Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Retroactive Review: Watchmen

Alright, it might seem bad that along with the fact that this blog is dead, we never post on it and now that I am writing something its ANOTHER review of ANOTHER comic book movie. Fair criticism.

I will start this out by saying I did really like Watchmen, it was well paced (really long but there are no real slow points that I would have cut), had great action, a great tone and moral.

This is that point where I think I should stop and say SPOILERS! I don't know that there will be spoilers but in the interest of good measure I might write some along the way so if you don't want this ruined for you...well we already got our google analytic from you.

So Watchmen is about a group of superheros who has to go into hiding (Kinda like the Incredibles now that I think about it) after legislation from 5 time elected President Richard Nixon makes being a superhero all but impossible. Blah Blah Blah I don't need to do a plot synopsis.

Point is this movie is quite decent, it makes its point and gets out in a hefty two and a half hours. The characters are well crafted, the plot is a fun divergence from modern history, and the violence and sex work well into the plot and don't just feel like tacked on gimmicks to get you into the theater.

I love Rorschach.

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