Thursday, June 25, 2009

Picked up MadWorld: First Thoughts.

Just went and grabbed MadWorld from a local video game seller place and gave the first level (which is essentially a tutorial) a whirl.
  • The presentation is great and the black white and red really stand out stylistically.
  • Controls take some getting used to but they definitively do the job they are sent out to do. There is not too much waggle and when there is wii-waggle it is quite literally waggle; as in the game just tells you to wobble the controller around until something happens. The feeling is incredibly visceral and delicious.
  • The game is so ridiculously vulgar I almost feel a little ashamed playing it, and its not even in game vulgarity, the announcers are all fucking this and shitface that at a certain point it doesn't even make sense. BUT: the announcing is amazing in between when they are swearing nonsensically and insulting each other they do an outstanding play by play that is so good I don't even understand how it works. (I'll have to look it up but im pretty sure one of the voices is the guy who does Bender on Futurama (and if he isn't maybe he should be))
  • I have only finished the first level and the game play already started to get boring, but that may have been only because it was just a first level (once i get into the really killing and maiming it might get to be more fun).
Edit: It is John Di Maggio (the voice of bender) as one of the announcers...AWESOME!

Edit Edit: Greg Proops is the other announcer, this game just got some really hard nerd cred for choice in voice talent.

So what I guess I'm trying to say is that MadWorld is looking to be a good game, but from where it's at right now seems to be that its off to a slow start.

I really am trying to stray away from video game talk but being unemployed during the summer after graduating college makes it really hard to do much else...anyone have job offers for a well trained graduate of radio...