Sunday, November 9, 2008

It gone...

Despite Matt R.'s desperate and shameless begging, I have decided to sell my Wii. Alright thats a lie, I've already sold it. I had actually been contemplating it for months, but had no reason to get rid of it until now. The holiday season is hitting its peak and with a massive imbalance of quality ps3/xb360 vs wii titles hitting shelves, I've found myself disenchanted with Nintendo's flagship console. I did what I had to do, and now the little white box is gone. Its a shame really, because there were still a few good titles I was looking forward to. Other-Matt still has his, so I'm assuming he'll still be rambling about it.

What did I do with the money? Gears of War 2 of course, which I'm thinking about writing a review for. Its a great game, but there are a few things that bug me about the multiplayer tweaks. I'm going to dwell on it for a day or two and perhaps one will pop up.
I also picked up Sega's Valkyria Chronicles which has some interesting art style and is full of innovative TRPG goodness. Also, the music is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto (FF Tactics, FFXII, Ogre Battle, Odin Sphere, Grim Grimoire, I could go on forever) which these days is pretty much an immediate sell for me.

The rest of the goods I'm saving for the time being. I'm considering a few titles, namely Little Big Planet, Far Cry 2, and CoD: World at War.

Those games will have to wait a few weeks as between school, work, and trying to find time to play the games I'm working through currently I've barely got time to eat much less add to my collection.

Look for a GeoW II review sometime later this week after I get some more time with the multiplayer modes.